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Table 4 Responses of study participants to statements regarding antibiotic use and veterinary advice. The responses to each statement were scored using a Likert scale

From: The opinions of farm animal veterinarians in Ireland on antibiotic use and their role in antimicrobial stewardship


Strongly Disagree


Neither Agree/Disagree


Strongly Agree

Farmers regularly fail to apply antibiotics correctly

1 (0.9%)

4 (3.5%)

8 (7%)

35 (30.7%)

66 (57.9%)

Farmers regularly have difficulties in complying to their treatment protocols when treating animals

1 (0.9%)

6 (5.3%)

13 (11.4%)

47 (41.2%)

47 (41.2%)

I consider it difficult to be considered the primary advisor given all other advisors that advise a farmer

3 (2.6%)

11 (9.6%)

15 (13.2%)

49 (43%)

36 (31.6%)

I regularly see sick animals in which illness could have been prevented if a farmer had listened and acted on my advice

0 (0%)

3 (2.6%)

21 (18.4%)

51 (44.7%)

39 (34.2%)

Conflicting advice from other advisors is an important barrier for farmers not implementing my advice

2 (1.8%)

8 (7%)

28 (24.6%)

48 (42.1%)

28 (24.6%)

Farmers believe implementing my advice as too expensive

1 (0.9%)

3 (2.6%)

35 (30.7%)

55 (48.2%)

20 (17.5%)

Farmers believe implementing my advice as too time consuming

5 (4.4%)

13 (11.4%)

40 (35.1%)

35 (30.7%)

21 (18.4%)

I consider it difficult to deviate from routines that farmers are accustomed to

1 (0.9%)

13 (11.4%)

12 (10.5%)

66 (57.9%)

22 (19.3%)